
Recent work includes link coordinator ‘Lleu’ community project, and community outreach partner for Creating Sunshine project funded through the Connect and Flourish grant by the Arts Council of Wales.

Within these roles she co-ordinated multi-disciplinary creative workshops with the communities in Bangor, Caernarfon, Pen Llŷn and Holyhead. Working in partnership with other artists these workshops led to large scale lantern parades, music, performance, street theatre and circus.

She enjoys bringing legends, local history and heritage to life, working for the County Councils and schools of Gwynedd, Conwy and Anglesey with children, young people and adults of all backgrounds. Through partnership with CADW , Conwy Archives and Fusion project, she delivers story-telling and workshops based on local and national history in schools and at prominent heritage sites.

children outdoors
children wearing masks they have made

Recent workshops, performance and co-devising work include CADW Castles and Bryn Celli Ddu, GISDA and LGBTQ homeless young adults from Caernarfon and Blaenau Ffestiniog working toward a St Davids Day parade at Bangor. She has also worked with Antur Waunfawr’s young people with learning difficulties.

Exploring history, legends and heritage to encourage cultural fusion she has worked with minority groups in the Indian and African Caribbean communities of Bangor.

Currently she uses storytelling and art workshops to promote environmental issues and the protection of habitats with the Carneddau and Holy Island Landscape Partnerships. A specialist in drama, storytelling, art and language, she offers tailored packages to promote the learning of the Welsh language, and sharing of cultures and history.